2. 国家自然科学面上基金:无人机支持下的居民区绿地对城市热舒适度影响机制研究(42077431)项目负责人
3. “十三五”国家重点研发计划项目:陆地水循环演变及其在全球变化中的作用研究(2016YFA0601504)课题骨干
4. 国家自然科学面上基金:城市微热环境高分辨率遥感参数确定与热分布模拟模型研究(41771446)项目负责人
8. Participate in project of Sustainable Water and Wastewater Management in Urban Growth Centres Coping with Climate Change - Concepts for Lima Metropolitan (Peru) - (LiWa)
9. Participate in project of “Sustainable development by Integrated Land Use Planning” which is cooperated by Germany and China
1) Jiaxin Sun, Li Feng*, Hairong Feng, Yanan Zhou. (2024)Exploring the regional cooling efficiency of urban residential vegetation using scenario simulation. Science of the Total Environment, 955, 176843(SCI, 一区)
2) Li Feng*, Shaoqi Yang, Yanan Zhou, Jiaxin Sun. (2024). Optimization strategy of architectural forms to improve the thermal comfort of residential area. Journal of Building Engineering,86,108905. (SCI, 二区)
3) Li Feng*, Linru Shuai, Yanan Zhou**, Xiao Zhang, Jiaxin Sun. (2024). Improving the green space arrangement in residential areas from the perspective of tree leaf temperature utilizing scenario simulation in ENVI-met. Science of the Total Environment, 918,170650. (SCI, 一区)
4) Wang Shunying, Zhou Ya’nan*, Yang Xianzeng, Feng Li *, Wu Tianjun, Luo Jiancheng. (2023). BSNet: Boundary-semantic-fusion network for farmland parcel mapping in high-resolution satellite images. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 206,107683.(SCI, 一区)
5) Li Feng *, Yanxia Liu, Yanan Zhou, Shaoqi Yang. (2022). A UAV-derived thermal infrared remote sensing three-temperature model and estimation of various vegetation evapotranspiration in urban micro-environments. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 69, 127495. (SCI, 林学一区)
6) Li Feng *, Shaoqi Yang, Yanan Zhou **, Linru Shuai. (2021). Exploring the effects of the spatial arrangement and leaf area density of trees on building wall temperature. Building and Environment, 205,108295. (SCI, 一区)
7) Ya'nan Zhou, Li Feng *, Xin Zhang, et al. (2021). Spatiotemporal patterns of the COVID-19 control measures impact on industrial production in Wuhan using time-series earth observation data. Sustainable Cities and Society,75,103388 (SCI, 一区).
8) Li Feng*, Yanxia Liu, Zhaozhong Feng, Shaoqi Yang. (2021). Analysing the spatiotemporal characteristics of climate comfort in China based on 2005–2018 MODIS data.Theoretical and Applied Climatology,143, 1235–1249. (SCI, 三区)
9) Li Feng*, Menmen Zhao, Yanan Zhou, Liujun Zhu, Huihui Tian. (2020). The seasonal and annual impacts of landscape patterns on the urban thermal comfort using Landsat. Ecological Indicators,110,105798. (SCI, 二区)
10) Li Feng*, Huihui Tian, Zhi Qiao, Menmen Zhao, Yanxia Liu. (2020).Detailed Variations in Urban Surface Temperatures Exploration based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Thermography. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations & Remote Sensing,13, 204-216. (SCI, 三区)
11) Zhi Qiao, Chen Wu, Dongqi Zhao, Xinliang Xu, Jilin Yang, Li Feng*, Zongyao Sun and Luo Liu. (2019).Determining the Boundary and Probability of Surface Urban Heat Island Footprint Based on a Logistic Model.Remote Sensing, 11(11), 1368. (SCI, 二区)
12) Feng Li*, Guo Song, Zhu Liujun, Lu Di. (2017). Urban vegetation phenology analysis using high spatio-temporal NDVI time series. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 25, 43-57. (SCI, 林学一区)
13) 孙嘉欣,冯莉*,张枭,周亚男,冯海蓉.(2024). 城市居民区植被降温效率分析与最佳降温效率阈值确定. 遥感学报,28(8):1899-1913. (EI)
14) 张枭,冯莉*,朱榴骏,帅林茹.(2023).基于无人机正射影像的城市居民区植被分类 DeepLabV3+模型改进实验. 地理与地理信息科学,39(3): 40-47.
15) 帅林茹,冯莉*,阳少奇. (2022). 数值模拟支持下的植被种植方式对城市微环境热舒适度影响研究. 生态学杂志,41(8):1611-1618.
16) 阳少奇,冯莉*,田慧慧,刘艳霞. (2021). 无人机热红外支持下的城市微尺度热环境模拟. 环境科学,42(1):507-516. (EI)
17) 刘艳霞,冯莉*,田慧慧,阳少奇. (2020).中国气候舒适度时空分布特征分析.地球信息科学学报,22(12):2338-2347. (EI)
18) 田慧慧,冯莉*,赵璊璊,郭松,董继伟. (2019).无人机热红外城市地表温度精细特征研究. 遥感技术与应用,34(3): 553-563.
19) 赵璊璊,冯莉*,郭松,田慧慧. (2018).景观格局影响下的南京市热舒适度动态变化研究. 长江流域资源与环境,27(8):1712-1724. (CSSCI)
1) 2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Fort Worth, Texas, USA,July 23–28, 2017. Oral presentation: Urban vegetation phenology analysis and the response to the temperature change.
2) International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS 23), Prague, Czech Republic, 2016.7.14-2016.7.19. Poster:urban vegetation mapping based on HJ-1 A/B NDVI time series.
3) Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event - JURSE 2015. Lausanne, Swissland, 2015.3.29-4.1. Oral presentation: Urban Vegetation Classification based on Phenology using HJ-1A/B time series imagery.
4) Urban Environmental Pollution 2014. Toronto, Canada, 2014.6.12-15. Poster: Research on four-dimensional vegetation quantity estimation model integrated remote sensing and vegetation phenology.
5) 35th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE35). Peking, Beijing 2013.4.22-26. Oral presentation: Remote Sensing based Comprehensive Analysis of Urban Sprawl and Eco-Environment Response.