1. 基于多源遥感的亚洲高山区冰川变化高时间分辨率监测研究, 国家自然科学基金mia面上项目,2024.1 – 2027.12,在研,主持, 49
2. 西昆仑-喀喇昆仑区冰川跃动监测及物质平衡分析,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2020.1 – 2022.12,主持, 25
3. 全球能量循环和水循环关键参数的立体观测与遥感反演,科技部重点研发计划,2018.05 - 2023.04,专题负责人, 25
4. 基于多源遥感的青藏高原冰川物质平衡研究,中央高校基本科研业务费项目-青年基金项目,2019.01 - 2020.12,主持
5. 亚洲高山区冰川河湖遥感立体监测关键技术研究,中央高校基本科研业务费项目-自由探索专项,2021.01 - 2022.12,主持
6. 基于多时相DEM数据的藏东南冰川物质平衡研究, 中国科学院青藏高原环境变化与地表过程重点实验室开放基金,2019.01 – 2020.12,主持, 15
(1) Ke, L., Ding, X., Ning, Y., Liao, Y., Song, C., 2024. Annual trajectory of global glacial lake variations and the interactions with glacier mass balance during 2013–2022. CATENA 245, 108280. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2024.108280
(2) Zhou, J., Ke, L., Ding, X., Wang, R., Zeng, F., 2024. Monitoring Spatial–Temporal Variations in River Width in the Aral Sea Basin with Sentinel-2 Imagery. Remote Sens. 16, 822. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs16050822
(3) Wu, Q. #, Ke, L. #, Wang, J., Pavelsky, T. M., Allen, G. H., Sheng, Y., ... & Song, C.*. (2023). Satellites reveal hotspots of global river extent change. Nature communications, 14(1), 1587.
(4) Ke, L. #, Zhang, J., Fan, C., Zhou, J., Song, C. *, 2022. Large-Scale Monitoring of Glacier Surges by Integrating High-Temporal- and -Spatial-Resolution Satellite Observations: A Case Study in the Karakoram. Remote Sensing, 14, 4668. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14184668
(5) Ke, L., Song, C., Wang, J., Sheng, Y., Ding, X., Yong, B., Ma, R., Liu, K., Zhan, P., Luo, S., 2022. Constraining the contribution of glacier mass balance to the Tibetan lake growth in the early 21st century. Remote Sens Environ 268, 112779. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2021.112779.
(6) Ke, L., Xu, J., Fan, C., Liu, K., Chen, T., Wang, S., Chen, X., Song, L., Song, C., 2022. Remote sensing reconstruction of long-term water level and storage variations of a poorly-gauged river in the Tibetan Plateau. J Hydrology Regional Stud 40, 101020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrh.2022.101020.
(7) Liu, K., Ke, L., Wang, J., Jiang, L., Richards, K.S., Sheng, Y., Zhu, Y., Fan, C., Zhan, P., Luo, S., Cheng, J., Chen, T., Ma, R., Liang, Q., Madson, A., Song, C., 2021. Ongoing Drainage Reorganization Driven by Rapid Lake Growths on the Tibetan Plateau. Geophys Res Lett 48. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021gl095795.
(8) Ke, L., Song, C., Yong, B., Lei, Y., Ding, X., 2020. Which heterogeneous glacier melting patterns can be robustly observed from space? A multi-scale assessment in southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Remote Sens Environ 242, 111777. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2020.111777.
(9) Deng, X., Song, C., Liu, K., Ke, L., Zhang, W., Ma, R., Zhu, J., Wu, Q., 2020. Remote sensing estimation of catchment-scale reservoir water impoundment in the upper Yellow River and implications for river discharge alteration. J Hydrol 585, 124791. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.124791
(10) 雷逍#, 柯灵红*, 雍斌, 张金山, 曹倩怡. 2022. 卫星雷达测高水位数据产品在中国区河流的监测精度评价. 遥感技术与应用,37(1),61-72